Near Infrared Light Therapy
Reversing Mitochondrial Dysfunction With Near-Infrared Light
When the normal production of energy in cells is not maintained due to a disruption of their mitochondria, it can have a detrimental impact on one’s cognitive and physiological health. However, research has shed light on how near-infrared light may reverse this damage, and in turn, restore the mitochondria’s ability to produce the range of energy necessary for cellular efficiency.
When the body is exposed to near-infrared light, emissions are detected by photosensitive molecules called chromophores. This stimulates the mitochondria to begin producing more adenosine triphosphate (ATP), which acts as fuel for cells, enabling them to repair, replicate, and perform various specialized functions.
The positive effects of this increased energy production can be seen quickly, leading to improved overall systemic functioning. As the skin is the largest organ in the body, it is where mitochondrial dysfunction is most apparent; however, red/Near Infrared Light Therapy has proven a powerful approach to reversing such dysfunction.
Unlock the Benefits of Near-Infrared Light to Create Firmer Skin
Research has found that NIR wavelengths have the ability to promote collagen production. Collagen is a structural protein responsible for providing the skin’s firmness and structure, and it is also present in cartilage and muscle, making it essential for wound healing and musculoskeletal health.
Besides being found in the skin, cartilage also forms a vital part of connective matter like ligaments, tendons, muscles, and even teeth. Therefore, the stimulating effects of red light therapy on collagen production could be promising for people with degenerative osteoarthritis and those recovering from cartilage problems.
Using Near-Infrared Light to Enhance Circulatory Health
Good circulation and healing are intertwined. Not only do cells require the delivery of oxygen and nutrients, but they also need the lymphatic system to carry away toxins. When treating any condition with NIR light, from skin rejuvenation to sore muscles, improved circulation will be beneficial. NIR light acts as a vasodilator, a process that increases the dilation of blood vessels, assisting vascular dysfunction in diabetic patients.
Patients who undergo treatments with NIR light three times a week for eight weeks, generally experience significant improvement in blood circulation. Improved blood flow helps the wound-healing process.
Endothelial cells line the walls of vessels in every organ system and are critical for modulating the flow of blood cells and nutrient substances. Their key role in maintaining vessel wall permeability is necessary for preventing inflammation and preserving endothelial function. Enhancing the healing of human endothelial cells is a fundamental strategy for promoting healthy function.
Exploring the Use of Near-Infrared Light for Anti-Inflammatory Purposes
One of the key advantages of red light therapy is its targeting of the underlying causes of chronic inflammation, which, if left untreated, can cause oxidative stress and damage to cells. By addressing inflammation at the cellular level, this method of therapy may help to restore health and well-being quicker.
NIR Light Therapy Helps With Many Ailments
NIR light therapy has been studied extensively, and wavelengths from 810 to 850 nm have proven to be particularly effective in treating a variety of conditions, including neurological disorders, brain injuries, deep muscle trauma, joint pain, and many more.
Red light therapy can reduce pain by inhibiting the neurotransmitter substance P. High levels of substance P can elevate nerve sensitivity to pain, and can contribute to inflammatory conditions.
NIR light exposure has also been demonstrated to enhance the body’s natural healing abilities, reducing inflammation and offering pain relief.
Re-establishing Mobility: Treating Osteoarthritis and Rheumatoid Arthritis Joint Pain
NIR light therapy has been studied for its potent anti-inflammatory properties, which can help relieve pain and improve the range of motion in joints affected by chronic inflammation from diseases like rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis. Additionally, increased energy production, collagen synthesis, and improved blood flow can help to promote healing, reduce pain, and stop further joint damage caused by degenerative diseases.
NIR Light Therapy’s Affects on the Brain and Mental Health
NIR light therapy can help improve brain health in individuals affected by stroke, traumatic brain injury (TBI), or neurodegenerative conditions. NIR light has antioxidant properties and is believed to support the faster birth of new neurons, which can protect existing neurons against damage. This neuroprotective effect may have multiple benefits in healing the brain.
A number of studies have shown that NIR light therapy is an effective form of treatment for disorders such as Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s disease. NIR light therapy can protect the dying neurons and even reduce neurological deficits – thus slowing the progression of the disease. This form of therapy can be useful in situations where mitochondrial dysfunction leads to premature cell death. With its considerable capacity to promote cellular energy production, NIR light therapy may become a significant tool for treating neurodegenerative disorders, multiple sclerosis, and seasonal affective depression.
The Benefits of Pre-Exercise Muscle Warm-Up for Improved Performance
Whether you’re an elite athlete or a weekend warrior, preconditioning your muscles with a pre-workout or pre-competition near-infrared light therapy session can help you prevent injury and prime the body for peak performance.
A post-workout or post-competition NIR light session can facilitate muscle recovery, enabling you to train harder and reach your athletic goals; and, if injured, accelerate the healing process and result in a faster return to your sport.
NIR light can stimulate, heal, and regenerate damaged muscle tissue. Studies have also demonstrated that both pre- and post-exercise red light therapy treatments can enhance athletic performance and expedite the recovery process following intense exercise.
Accelerating Wound Healing and Minimizing Scarring
The body is capable of astonishing self-healing, but sometimes the process doesn’t go as planned. However, NIR light can support wound healing by stimulating acute inflammation, which is a natural part of the recovery process.
Additionally, NIR light helps prevent inflammation from becoming chronic and causing oxidative stress that inhibits healing. It also activates the stem cells in the bone marrow. Stem cells are specialized cells that can be called upon to respond to a wound. They promote the growth of healthy skin cells instead of scar tissue and hence reduce the appearance of scars.
NIR light therapy may help minimize the appearance of scars by encouraging the production of collagen and elastin, which promote the growth of normal skin cells in the deepest layers of the scar. Prophylactic treatment shortly after the initial injury or surgery can be beneficial in preventing excessive scarring.
Enhancing Skin Health Through Near Red Light Therapy
Regular use of red light therapy can help improve the texture and tone of skin, reducing skin roughness, minimizing the appearance of lines, wrinkles, and age spots, and firming and lifting sagging, crepey skin. This is achieved by delivering near-infrared wavelengths to the skin to increase cellular energy and microcirculation, reduce inflammation, and boost collagen and elastin production.
Optimum outcomes are typically seen within one to four months of consistent red light therapy sessions. One may continue the use of this therapy to deter frequent reoccurrences of chronic conditions and sustain a youthful complexion. Some people with sensitive skin may experience a brief sensation of redness and soreness, which is believed to be linked to enhanced circulation and should fade shortly. This form of therapy has been utilized successfully to treat inflammations such as acne, eczema, rosacea, and psoriasis.
Increase Weight Loss With NIR Light Therapy
NIR light therapy can be advantageous for achieving weight loss. Red light therapy is helpful to those with underactive thyroid glands suffering from hormonal imbalances. Exposure to 635 nm of this kind of light can cause fat cells to leak fat into the body, which is then converted into carbon dioxide and expelled.
Near-Infrared light therapy can improve athletic performance by stimulating muscle growth, which leads to an increased resting metabolic rate, resulting in elevated calorie burn during rest periods.
Contact us to learn more about Near Red Light Therapy and how it can help in your healing journey.